I’m planning to go to this workshop on Sun, and I think that you might be interested.
This workshop will be led by Paula.
She is using the free workshop as a promotion for the course that she will teach in March.
I am planning to be a student in that course.
I met Paula at a circle at Rah’s on the winter solstice 2012.
She had just arrived in Santa Fe after about ten years of teaching at a retreat center in Bali.
An Invitation:
Biodynamic Craniosacral Workshop
bodywork/ breathwork/ energywork/ meditation
Biodynamic Craniosacral Free Demonstration & Experiential Practice:
Date:Sunday, Feb.24th
Time: 1:00 to 2:30
Place:215 Sombrio drive, Casa Solana area of Santa Fe
Contact: Paula, “please be my guest and bring a friend”
Phone: 505-603-8015
Email: stillpointbliss@yahoo.com
March classes Now Forming‘The Basic skills of Craniosacral Work’
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a healing art form that integrates and unifies Western anatomy and physiology with Eastern understanding of energy flow and movement throughout the body. It evaluates and treats disturbances and restrictions in the body which influence health and well-being on all levels.
Physically-influences the central nervous system; brain; spinal column, and the fluid that bathes it.
Emotionally-can provide the client with the resources and space to explore their emotional landscape, access a deep sense of self within the client and a safe container for emotional issues to resolve.
Spiritually-Can open doors to both our hearts and soul, profoundly changing our lives.
Instructor:Paula Rasmussen has been practicing Bodywork, Breathwork, Energywork Yoga and Meditation since 1993 and teaching Craniosacral work since 1997. She has shared her knowledge and experiences privately and in group classes with students in Hawaii, Switzerland, Bali, Australia, Singapore, Tokyo, California, Texas and New Mexico. March Classes are now forming in Santa Fe, NM.
By incorporating Yoga, meditative practice, mindfulness, and awareness of altered states, Paula has been able to provide her students with a foundation in Craniosacral work that can be integrated into any holistic practice.
The Craniosacral System is an interrelated network of pulsations throughout the whole body that reflects the most fundamental ordering and healing principle within the body. It consists of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord and includes the bones of the skull, face and mouth, which make up the cranium, through the vertebrae down to the sacrum and coccyx, or tailbone area.
The ‘Breath of Life’
At the core of our being life expresses itself as rhythmic motion. The physiological functioning of all healthy living tissues subtly ‘breathe’ with the motion of life. A phenomenon that produces rhythmic waves.
Craniosacral Therapy focuses on this energetic ordering principle which permeates the body as a subtle tidal rhythm. It can be felt, sensed, and palpated as it unfolds through the many layers of the body into rhythmic tides.
The emphasis of Craniosacral work is the ability to perceive the body’s intrinsic movement dynamics, rhythms, and pulsations to access the inherent health within the system, to resolve patterns of trauma and inertia.