Global Transition to Cryptocurrencies update Digest Apr-May
Global Transition to Cryptocurrencies update – 5 Apr
Cryptocurrencies are replacing fiat currencies. The global transition to cryptocurrencies from fiat currencies as the primary means of financial exchange will progress over the next few years. I don’t know exactly how many years will pass as this transition progresses. I’m guessing between two and ten years.
Please watch this video. Duration: 1:41:23
Bitcoin Ben | Charlie Lee is the Sam Walton of #crypto.
Bitcoin Ben | Do you see what Coinbase is building?
Global Transition to Cryptocurrencies update – Litecoin is Central in Crypto Networks
Charlie Lee has been adjusting Litecoin to link up with the new global financial system being created now, i.e. lightning network, which is going to be the network used for the exchange and transfer of global representation of value. Also, Mastercard is involved with the lightning network. Additionally, Litecoin partnered with TenX. TenX is integrating their platform into the lightning network. The lightning network will interact with existing credit card networks. Then, as the transition progresses, more and more transactions will be settled in cryptos. As a consequence, people are going to be using cryptos without recognizing that they’re using cryptos. In my opinion, that is a powerful statement.
Global Transition to Cryptocurrencies update – Crypto Revolution
I postulate that we might be in the middle of a revolution, perhaps one of the greatest revolutions in human history. For the skeptics who might claim that we would all surely know if we were participating in the middle of a revolution, I’ll ask you to ponder history. If you were in a British colony in 1775 and asked a fellow colonist if you were in the middle of a revolution, he would probably say that there were no signs of revolution and reaffirm that he is living in a British colony in similar conditions to what had persisted for the previous hundred years with no apparent reason why the following year should be any different from the prior 100.
Global Transition to Cryptocurrencies update – Coinbase Analogy to Amazon
Coinbase is setting itself up to become the Amazon of cryptos. One future step is indicated by the fact that Coinbase has announced that it will implement ERC20 tokens. This will help to take another step. The only area in which Coinbase is not yet involved is lending. Lending is the primary feature of the SALT network. SALT is an ERC20 token. If Coinbase incorporates SALT and if it partners with the SALT company, this would be a critical step in the setup to become the Amazon of cryptos.
Global Transition to Cryptocurrencies update – Crypto Economy Big Players
If you want to transition into a new system almost flawlessly, cryptos are the way to do it. The NASDAQ and the old system is dying for various reasons. For one, it is overpriced. NASDAQ and Mastercard are heavily involved in cryto community. NASDAQ and NYSE are hiring blockchain developers. Abra will also be a part of this. Do you see some patterns?
GM, BMW and Ford have Launched a Consortium To develop ‘How Blockchain Will Reinvent Mobility’. Several large automakers, along with tech companies, and other firms have established a foundation known as the Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative. This group seeks to engage a wide range of stakeholders and contributors as it develops transportation solutions for the future.
Bilderbergers and George Soros are also talking about blockchain.
Video Supply pressure being created–leading to less volume…
Global Transition to Cryptocurrencies update – Supply pressure from powerful entities precedes price increases
There is a plan being implemented by large banks to buy crypto dips, starting with Litecoin. The structure of the plan is for many people working for banks and for exchanges to buy crypto dips and to transfer cryptos off of the exchanges into private wallets less than 24 hours after acquisition on the open exchanges.
Combining the two above dynamics, we’ll see smaller supply and higher volume. The smaller supply will mean higher prices, even with lower volume. Prices will go up, even with low trading volume of buys. The increased demand for cryptos will drive prices higher faster.
After 47 Years As Fiat, USD Relinked with Gold by HR 5404??
HR 5404 is a bill introduced to the US Congress House of Representatives on 22 Mar 2018. If passed into law, it will “define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold.”
Congress finds the following:
(1) The United States dollar has lost 30 percent of its purchasing power since 2000, and 96 percent of its purchasing power since the end of the gold standard in 1913.
Wealth defined article announcement
What is wealth? Wealth is your freedom, your life energy and your time. There are actually many definitions of wealth. In my opinion, this is the most useful way for us to think of our wealth.
What is money? Money has the same primary characteristics of currency, namely durability, portability, divisibility, fungibility(uniformity/interchangeability), and acceptability. Money has one additional characteristic. The term money refers to objects that have intrinsic value. Because of this additional characteristic, money is a store of value and maintains its purchasing power over a long period of time.
US Dollar History and HR 5404
If this bill is signed into law, there will be many implications. One of the most important effects will be to help stabilize the monetary system while protecting savers, workers, and investors from the ravages of inflation and hyperfinflation. If this bill passes and becomes law, it would also restrict the ability of the Federal Reserve to confiscate the wealth of the people of USA and to manipulate the economy by expanding the currency supply. Is it possible that this dynamic of stealing the wealth of the 99% and transferring it to the 1% is the biggest crime in history? If so, then legislation like this could be part of an unfolding revolution which also included cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology and transparency.

Global Transition to Cryptocurrencies update Digest Apr-May
Thanks For Reading!
- Global Transition to Cryptocurrencies update – 5 Apr
- Bitcoin Ben | Charlie Lee is the Sam Walton of #crypto.
- Bitcoin Ben | Do you see what Coinbase is building?
- Global Transition to Cryptocurrencies update – Litecoin is Central in Crypto Networks
- Global Transition to Cryptocurrencies update – Crypto Revolution
- Global Transition to Cryptocurrencies update – Coinbase Analogy to Amazon
- Global Transition to Cryptocurrencies update – Crypto Economy Big Players
- Video Supply pressure being created–leading to less volume…
- Global Transition to Cryptocurrencies update – Supply pressure from powerful entities precedes price increases
- After 47 Years As Fiat, USD Relinked with Gold by HR 5404??
- Wealth defined article announcement
- US Dollar History and HR 5404