LeRoy’s Personal Update – Jan 2019 – Writings

LeRoy’s Personal Update – Jan 2019 – Writings

For this announcement on Steemit, visit LeRoy’s Personal Update – Jan 2019 – Writings on Steemit
For this announcement on LeRoy’s Blog, visit LeRoy’s Personal Update – Jan 2019 – Writings on LeRoy’s site blog

In the recent past, I’ve received requests from many friends and acquaintances to give them occasional updates on my life, my travels, my adventures, what I’ve been doing, publishing, etc. I think that I’ve come up with a solution that will work well. Here’s my idea. I’ll try to write some sort of update every month or two and send that to everyone who wants to receive it. I think that this solution will work well because most of the info which is being requested of me will be the same info which I would tell to many people. I’ll continue to respond one-on-one when I get emails or other correspondence from any of you.


If you would like to receive updates from me, please let me know your name and email address to be added to my list for personal updates. If you tell me which topics interest you, I’ll try to include you in emails on those topics more than other topics.


Here’s my personal update for Jan 2019

This update will be longer than most and extend further into the past. Indeed, this update is so long that I’m splitting it into two parts, travel and writings. This part is about my recent writings. There is a link above to the first part about travel. Future updates will include mostly only what I’ve been up to in the prior month or two, since the previous update.


Click to read about my recent travels.

Christ Seed

I have now finished writing my first book “Christ Seed Explained.” At least, I think I’m finished with the writing of the first edition. It is likely that I’ll publish a second edition eventually, but the task for me to focus on now is getting the first edition published. The major component remaining to publish this book is to create a cover for the book. I need now to find a graphic designer to help with that, then the rest will be easy for me.

Enlightenment Intensives

Enlightenment Intensive – LeRoy’s Experience page update – 5 day – Jan 2019

Teach Your Children song

My lyrics for song Teach Your Children

States of Being

From 2018

Here’s where this first update will get longer than future updates. Here’s an abbreviated list of links to articles and posts that I’ve published over the past year. I’m selecting for inclusion in this list only topics which are likely to be of interest to many people.





Who will you be when you unlock your potential?

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