School Shootings Caused by Guns or People?? Part 1

School Shootings Caused by Guns or People??
If we are going to blame deaths on access to guns, then we must also blame more deaths on access to cars and to medicine. These are only two examples.
Now, I’ll address the second amendment. When I first learned about the second amendment in a History class in school, I was bewildered. The other rights in the other nine amendments of the Bill of Rights made sense to me. They seemed like important rights. Yet, I wondered why anyone would care about a right to bear arms.
Here are some things that I was not taught in school. Nine of the thirteen colonies refused to ratify the US Constitution unless and until it included those ten amendments. The second amendment is not really about guns. The second amendment is about the ability of citizens to use guns to defend themselves from their own government. I was surprised when I learned this.
Nonetheless, it makes sense when one evaluates this idea more closely. The colonists felt the need to defend themselves against the U.K. government. Beyond that, people throughout history have eventually felt the need to defend themselves against their governments. With that in mind, it’s scary to realize that the US government is currently one of the most powerful governments in the history of the world!
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