Coronavirus COVID-19 Corbett Report – Was There Foreknowledge of the Plandemic?
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- Coronavirus COVID-19 Corbett Report – Was There Foreknowledge of the Plandemic?

Coronavirus COVID-19 Corbett Report – Was There Foreknowledge of the Plandemic?
Here is a video from James Corbett.
James Corbett is a citizen journalist who produces the Corbett Reprot. He gives an introduction about who he is and about his background, in Episode 163 of The Corbett Report.
This episode is entitled “Was There Foreknowledge of the Plandemic? – Questions For Corbett #059”
Here are some notes directly from James Corbett and his team:
“This week on Questions For Corbett, a Corbett Report member asks about foreknowledge of the plandemic. From Event 201 to the intelligence “failures,” CEO resignations, QE4, and bioweapon research, James explores the many lines of evidence pointing to the fact that this pandemic was planned in advance.”
The entire presentation provides evidence which is indicative that there was foreknowledge.
This presentation is well-organized. There is a section for evidence within the financial realm, a section for the political area, a section for the medical field, etc.
In the youtube video description, there is a link to a page listing all of the refrernce resources.
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