Coronavirus COVID-19 Dr. Michael Greger on Pandemic Prevention

Coronavirus COVID-19 Dr. Michael Greger on Pandemic Prevention
Here’s a good video of a nicely polished presentation. Dr Michael Greger reviews human history with viruses and relationships with other animals.
Dr. Michael Greger on Pandemic Prevention, Infectious Diseases, Aids, Climate Change, Influenza
Dr. Michael Greger is an American physician, author, and professional speaker on public health issues. He is best known for his advocacy of a whole-food, plant-based diet.
Around minute 2, Dr. Greger shows the history of viral diseases affecting humans throughout human history. He shows that there were no epidemic diseases for millions of years until about 10,000 years ago. He explains that the emergence of viral diseases affecting humans is the direct result of domestication of animals. Here are some examples.
Measles in humans came from cows and sheep. We estimate about 200 million human deaths from measles.
Small pox in humans came from camels.
Whooping cough in humans came from pigs.
Typhoid in humans came from chickens.
Influenza in humans came from ducks. Infuenza is also known as the flu.
Leprosy in humans came from water buffalos.
The common cold in humans came from horses.
In minutes 5 and 6, Dr. Greger talks about the emergence of diseases of civilization of the past 200 years resulting from the industrial revolution.
Next, Dr. Greger shows the history of viral diseases affecting humans declining from about 1940 until about 1975, then going back up. New diseases started emerging very quickly in the past few decades.
He mentions his book about pandemic prevention and preparation.