Coronavirus COVID-19 Mads Palsvig Politics
Coronavirus COVID-19 Mads Palsvig Politics
Here’s a video of Mads Palsvig.chairman of the Danish political party JFK21.
In this video, Mads talks about legislation with reaching powers passing in the virus smokescreen.
Mads Palsvig claims that, on Friday 13 Mar, Denmark closed down.
As an aside, Friday the 13th is the same day that President Donald Trump enacted the Stafford Act in USA. The Stafford Act gives the US federal government what is essentially total power to do anything against the people in USA and for their acts to be considered legal. The Stafford Act has been enacted by previous US presidents in emergency situations, and the power was used to help people affected by those emergencies. In those situations, there was never a bank bailout, nor loans to insolvent banks, nor to any banks at all. One can speculate if the current circumstances are different.
Below are some thoughts expressed by Mads Palsvig in this video.
Now, Denmark is a de facto Fascist state.
It started in 2001 with the Patriot Act, when we lost a lot of our civil liberties and inalienable rights.
A year and a half ago, new legislation passed in Denmark where one can be jailed for up to 5 years for criticizing NATO.
In minute 7, Mads claims that the corporate government proposes hand-washing and quarantine, whereas real doctors would propose boosting the immune system.