Coronavirus Perspectives on COVID-19 Digest Apr
Coronavirus COVID-19 Interview of Michael Osterholm by Joe Rogan
Here’s a video of an interview which has a lot of good information about COVID-19. Joe Rogan interviews Michael Osterholm, a medical policy advisor. The video is about an hour and a half.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Dr. Michael Greger on Pandemic Prevention
Here’s a good video of a nicely polished presentation. Dr Michael Greger reviews human history with viruses and relationships with other animals.
Dr. Michael Greger on Pandemic Prevention, Infectious Diseases, Aids, Climate Change, InfluenzaAround minute 2, Dr. Greger shows the history of viral diseases affecting humans throughout human history. He shows that there were no epidemic diseases for millions of years until about 10,000 years ago. He explains that the emergence of viral diseases affecting humans is the direct result of domestication of animals. Here are some examples.
Measles in humans came from cows and sheep. We estimate about 200 million human deaths from measles.
Small pox in humans came from camels.
Whooping cough in humans came from pigs.
Typhoid in humans came from chickens.
Influenza in humans came from ducks. Infuenza is also known as the flu.
Leprosy in humans came from water buffalos.
The common cold in humans came from horses. -
Coronavirus COVID-19 Clif High
Here’s a good source of info. Clif High was posting videos warning about this virus long before others. This video is from Jan.
Clif High has a large following on the internet. His public work began many years ago when he started publishing his Web Bot reports. -
Coronavirus COVID-19 Scare Forecast in Q Post
Here’s an interesting perspective with info from Q interpreted by Joe Cosmides, or Joe Cosmido.
This video addresses the possibility that this smokescreen is for the purpose of taking down the cabal. -
Coronavirus COVID-19 Mads Palsvig Politics
Here’s a video of Mads Palsvig.chairman of the Danish political party JFK21.
In this video, Mads talks about legislation with reaching powers passing in the virus smokescreen.Mads Palsvig claims that, on Friday 13 Mar, Denmark closed down.
As an aside, Friday the 13th is the same day that President Donald Trump enacted the Stafford Act in USA. The Stafford Act gives the US federal government what is essentially total power to do anything against the people in USA and for their acts to be considered legal.
Coronavirus COVID-19 David Icke interview 2 on LondonReal
Here’s a video of an interview of David Icke on LondonReal by Brain Rose.
After Brian Rose published this video on his youtube account, youtube quickly banned the video with no sensible explanation.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Master John Douglas – Witnessing a Merciful Act
Here’s a video which is actually a recording from an audio presentation by Master John Douglas, a psychic.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Dr. Matthias Rath – Open Letter
Here’s a link to an article I like. An open letter by Dr. Matthias Rath, a friend and colleague of Linus Pauling, and director of the Dr. Rath Research Institute.
This has a lot of useful info to help frame our thoughts. -
Coronavirus COVID-19 Wim Hof interview on LondonReal
Here’s a video of an interview of Wim Hof on LondonReal by Brain Rose.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Anatomy of COVID-19 – Dr. Andrew Kaufman
This video is entitled Anatomy of COVID-19. In the first 40 minutes of the video, Dr. Andrew Kaufman presents a powerpoint presentation. This presentation is clear and concise, showing first what is known and claimed about the phenomenon that is being called the COVID-19 virus. He also goes into detail about the methodologies for testing for viri, including the RT-PCR test which is the most common test being used for COVID-19. He explains the preposterous over-amplification of “noise” in the PCR test which makes this test extremely prone to erroneous positive results. His presentation then goes into an explanation of the new field of exosomes. He talks about the recent discovery of exosomes and explains what exosomes are. He explains how exosomes function, and that their role is to help remove toxins.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Origin of CCP Virus – First Documentary
Here is a video that is about one hour long. It is attributed to China in Focus and appears to be produced largely by the Epoch Times.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Corbett Report – Was There Foreknowledge of the Plandemic?
Here is a video from James Corbett.
“This week on Questions For Corbett, a Corbett Report member asks about foreknowledge of the plandemic. From Event 201 to the intelligence “failures,” CEO resignations, QE4, and bioweapon research, James explores the many lines of evidence pointing to the fact that this pandemic was planned in advance.” -
Coronavirus COVID-19 Dark Winter – Event 201
Here is information about Dark Winter and Event 201.
Below are excerpts from
“…That June 2001 exercise, known as “Dark Winter,” also predicted many aspects of government pandemic response that would later re-emerge in last October’s simulation “Event 201,” which predicted a global pandemic caused by a novel Coronavirus just months before the Covid-19 outbreak. In addition, the U.S. government would lead its own multi-part series of pandemic simulations, called “Crimson Contagion,” that would also predict aspects of the Covid-19 outbreak and government response…”
Coronavirus COVID-19 Spiritually Navigating *The Transition*
Here is a video of Christof Melchizedek interviewed by Bix Weir.
This is a nice break from listening to scary news and feeling helpless.
Christof Melchizadek is a spiritual teacher with many years of experience with guiding people in their life journeys.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Dr. Judy Mikovits on Thomas Paine Podcast
This blog post is about an audio interview of top U.S. scientist and research pioneer Dr. Judy Mikovits on Thomas Paine Podcast – Mike Moore EPISODE 19.
COVID-19 is covering up 40 years of government corruption and intentional poisoning of large populations of people. Powerful governmental decision makers have used scientists to drive pandemics through populations. It’s not just viruses, also chemicals polluting the environment and vaccines.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Is Social Distancing Working?
Here’s a video from The HighWire with Del Bigtree.
This video investigates the results that social distancing has had already.
Scientists & epidemiologists in many countries around the world have been sounding the alarm on social distancing measures. In this video, Del Bigtree interviews top biostatistician, Knut WittKowski PhD, who has a sobering message about the effects of this quarantine.Dr. Knut WittKowski points out that there was never any compelling evidence to show that it was advisable to begin any social distancing policies.

Coronavirus Perspectives on COVID-19 Digest Apr
Thanks For Reading!
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Interview of Michael Osterholm by Joe Rogan
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Dr. Michael Greger on Pandemic Prevention
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Clif High
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Scare Forecast in Q Post
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Mads Palsvig Politics
- Coronavirus COVID-19 David Icke interview on LondonReal
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Master John Douglas – Witnessing a Merciful Act
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Dr. Matthias Rath – Open Letter
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Wim Hof interview on LondonReal
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Anatomy of COVID-19 – Dr. Andrew Kaufman
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Origin of CCP Virus – First Documentary
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Corbett Report – Was There Foreknowledge of the Plandemic?
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Dark Winter – Event 201
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Spiritually Navigating *The Transition*
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Dr. Judy Mikovits on Thomas Paine Podcast
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Is Social Distancing Working?