Healthy Lifestyle Forever

Achieve Your health & fitness goals.
Money back guarantee

The ultimate private trainer program. Where miracles are achieved in 30 days.
This program will change your life, for the rest of your life.

I (or a representative from Healthy Lifestyle Forever) will live with you for 24hrs a day as I have found this is the only way to secure a successful result in 30 days.
It will be like being born again.

The program is tailor made to fit the client’s needs and goals specifically. It can include green juice fasting, raw food and low fat vegan food. Everything initially will be prepared by me, the trainer, and slowly the client will take over to be100% proficient in the new healthy lifestyle and all within 30 days.

This program will result in dramatic changes within a very short time. Yes, you will just feel young and with a high level of vigor.

The secret of the program is that we are together 24 hours a day with support given by me as needed.

The typical client:

tired of being tired, overweight, always hungry and thinking of food, feeling sick all the time and out of shape, depressed.
A desire to be youthful, fit and looking and feeling young again. Yes it is fun to be an old person in a young body.

What we do:

Stay at your home 24hrs a day for support when depression, frustration, irritation, detoxification
symptoms set in. It is essential to stick to the program 100% for 30 days to develop new habits.

Together, we clean out the kitchen from junk food. I will teach you what real life supporting food is and what is dead junk and life depleting.
We will go for shopping together to learn how to shop for real food.
An hour in the morning for fitness training and one in the evening. It can be walking, yoga or a visit to the local gym.
We will eat body and mind supporting food like: green juice (kale and other greens) and lots of fruit and greens.
Depending on your goal, we tailor make your nutritional program.
As the program progresses, we will go to the cinema, theater and other events as we are shifting our minds away from thinking about food constantly to what life is about.
We will visit restaurants so you will see how easy it is when going out.

Congratulations for reading the introduction to the 30 days transformation program.
The first step in developing a youthful body.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Who will you be when you unlock your potential?