Bumpity is like a Spiritual Retreat Center

Bumpity is like a Spiritual Retreat Center
Bumpity Road Retreat is located in rural WI surrounded mostly by farmland. About 9 miles northeast of Portage, WI, it is on the edge of a sizable Amish community. The owner of Bumpity is my friend, Bob. Bumpity Bob has a mission to transform human relationships by welcoming the opening of one heart at a time. Bob pioneers the concept of open doors and open hearts. Bumpity Bob welcomes people to visit with him. He enjoys sharing heartfelt moments with people of all walks. This dynamic tends to lead to healing in various ways. This is part of what makes Bumpity like a spiritual retreat center. My experience over the years at Bumpity is that I feel so uplifted after being at Bumpity for a while that it is astounding to me, and I always want to experience more of that.
Bumpity Bob especially appreciates visitors who are willing to assist others. One of the most outstanding characteristics of great visitors are those who have done a lot of volunteering. “Volunteers are the greatest people in the world” says Bob. Our experience is that everyone who comes to Bumpity becomes a mentor for everybody else, including the children. We become mentors for each other. I would describe the feel of Bumpity as openness, kindness and abundance.
Speaking of abundance, Bumpity Bob has harvested (with my help and the help of a few other volunteers) 171 watermelons weighing 3480 pounds so far this year. In the photo above, there are 7 wheelbarrows filled with 45 watermelons weighing 1008 pounds that Bob, Jim and I harvested one day about a week ago.
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