Dyad Communication Practice at LeRoy’s – Sat 12 May 2018 – 10am
For this announcement on Steemit, visit Dyad Communication Practice on Steemit
For this announcement on LeRoy’s Blog, visit Dyad Communication Practice on LeRoy’s site blog
Dyad communication practice to be offered as an opportunity to get a taste of the Enlightenment Intensive experience at a convenient location and with a time commitment of only a couple hours.

Dyad Communication Practice
Dyad Communication Practice – 12 May
Costs: donation
Note: arrival time 9:45-10:00am. Please arrive on time.
Dyad Communication Practice – 12 May
Costs: donation
Note: arrival time 9:45-10:00am. Please arrive on time.
Enlightenment Intensive 31 May – 4 Jun
Enlightenment Intensive 31 May – 4 Jun
Enlightenment Intensive to be offered in Mora County, NM, from 31 May until 4 Jun 2018. The Enlightenment Intensive is a challenging and deeply rewarding residential retreat. The goal is to maximize the conditions for directly knowing truth of SELF.
Costs: $200 to cover actual costs
for food/cook, logistics, and accommodations. In addition we ask for a donation to the facilitators (sliding scale from $100 – $400).
About the facilitators:
Jack and Katrin Potticary have spent many years practicing dyad communication, a partner assisted contemplation technique, which is the primary meditation used during the Enlightenment intensive. They are experienced group facilitators with years of practice in healing professions.
Enlightenment Intensive information resource links:
Please comment and ask questions about Enlightenment Intensives and Dyad Communication Practice.
We are the Love of God, no matter what.