Enlightenment Intensive in NM, 31 May – 4 Jun

Enlightenment Intensive 31 May – 4 Jun 2018
When: Thursday, May 31, 2018 beginning at 6:00 PM
to Monday, June 04 ending at 10:00 am
The 3 day contemplative period will be followed by integration exercises on Monday morning.
Where: At Casa Primera Luz, Mora County, New Mexico
This sanctuary is located on a beautiful 750 acre community property 1.5 hours Northeast of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Breathtaking views combined with stillness and a distinct healing energy support participants in their quest for deep insight and knowing.
Costs: $200 to cover actual costs for food/cook, logistics, and accommodations. In addition we ask for a donation to the facilitators (sliding scale from $100 – $400).
How to register: Please contact Katrin at katrinpotticary@gmail.com . The space for this retreat is limited. We are happy to answer any questions you might have!
A creative joining of consciousness and energy.
What is Insight Healing Qui Gong?
Zhineng Qi Gong (literally: Qui Gong for wisdom and ability) is a complete integrated system to liberate human energy in all dimensions, ultimately opening one’s heart to deeper physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Qui Gong combines conscious awareness with gentle movement. We believe that these movements prepare body and mind in a powerful way to enter Enlightenment exercises with increased clarity and internal balance.
Time frame of the Qui Gong workshop: Monday, May 28, 2018 beginning at 6:00 PM
to Thursday, May 31 ending at 3:00 PM
You can participate in the three day Qui Gong workshop independently of the Enlightenment Intensive.
Costs: $150 to cover actual costs for food/cook, logistics, and accommodations. In addition we ask for a donation to the facilitators (sliding scale from $100 – $250).
Save the Date:
Enlightenment Intensive >>> 26-30 July
About the facilitators:
Jack and Katrin Potticary have spent many years practicing dyad communication, a partner assisted contemplation technique, which is the primary meditation used during the Enlightenment intensive. They are experienced group facilitators with years of practice in healing professions. Both have spent over 2 months to receive training in Zhineng (Healing Wisdom) Qui Gong, founded by Dr. Pang (Bejing, China).

What others have said about the Enlightenment Intensive:
“…for the purpose of self-discovery I’ve not run into anything which comes close to the effectiveness of the Enlightenment Intensive. The key to real spiritual development is self-discovery; the direct experience of who you actually are.”
“And it just happened that suddenly I realized I am Love, and when I notice others I see they are Love also and when I see others the Love that is me becomes something, an energy, a communication that comes and goes between other beings.”
“Casa Primera Luz is like a slice of heaven.”