Pineal Gland Section Announcement
I’m making this blog post to let you know that I just added a section Pineal Gland. It’s actually included as a sub-section in the Book section of my website But, let’s call it a section. Please click on the links to check it out. I will be adding more pages to this section in the near future. Please check back from time to time. More to come. To give you a taste, some selections from that section are below.
Additionally, I have started a process of giving the site a face-lift. The site still needs a lot of work. I will continue to make improvements.
Below is a sneak peak, a preliminary, unformatted view of what is coming in this section. Again, please click on the link Pineal Gland to see this section and follow its updates and progress as I add pages into this section.
The sacred oil secreted from the claustrum is differentiated into electric and magnetic portions by the pineal gland and pituitary glands, respectively. The pineal gland is considered to be masculine. The pineal body is our masculine spiritual organ. The pineal gland is associated with solar and yang energy. The pituitary gland is considered to be feminine. The pituitary body is our feminine spiritual organ. The pituitary gland is associated with lunar and yin energy.
The pineal gland and the pituitary gland are also known as Joseph and Mary, respectively, the ones who are responsible for sending the Christ Seed on its journey, also the ones who await the return of their son who is given birth in the solar plexus. It is said that the pineal gland secretes honey and that the pituitary gland secretes milk. This parallels the biochemical understanding that the pineal gland secretes DMT and that the pituitary gland secretes serotonin. Incidentally, the word secret is derived from the word secretion. The electric portion differential by the pineal gland is also referred to as Joseph, the father of the holy child. The magnetic portion differentiated by the pituitary gland is also referred to as Mary, the mother of the holy child.

The pineal gland shape resembles a pine cone. This name of the pineal gland is derived from Latin pinea, meaning “pine cone.” In phylogenetics, pine trees are in the Genus “Pinus,” one of the most ancient genera of terrestrial plants on Earth.