Kryon’s Most Recent Channeled Revelations – Wed 21 Mar 2018 – 6:30pm
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VISIONARY VIDEOS: Beyond Major Media
Wednesday’s Video Night – 21 Mar 2018 – 6:30pm
244 Villa Allegre, Building 144
Note: Be happy.

Video Presentation – “Kryon’s Most Recent Channeled Revelations”
This is the first time that we have presented a program comprised entirely of channeled material. Kryon is a popular entity that has the channel for a number of decades and more than a dozen books have been released with the contents of this channeled material enclosed. This is a more than 2 hour audio DVD of several latest Kryon sessions that were recorded within the last 6 months. These sessions include information about Consciousness, different forms of energy, the 2012 phenomenon, old souls, slowing the aging process and the 3 grids Kryon described as the magnetic grid, the Gaia grid and the crystalline grid as well as details about other related topics.
(Click here for a description of the Visionary Videos group.)
(Click here to peruse the archives of previous Visionary Videos presentations.)
(Click here to view an index of the archives of previous Blog posts for Visionary Videos presentations.)
We will be meeting at 244 Villa Allegre which is an apartment community at the corner of W. Alameda and St. Francis which is across St. Francis from Burger King. Coming from Cerrilos Blvd. on St. Francis, turn right on W. Alameda. Turn left into the driveway and go right, then turn left and then veer left and find Building 144 on the right. It is a community room.
Ask friends to join you every 1st and 3rd Wednesday evening of each month. All that is required is an open mind to ideas “beyond major media.” Documentaries shown at Visionary Videos expand our knowledge of unknown realities. These astounding ideas often reveal hidden truths that inspire change.
We are the Ones we are waiting for…
We are the Love of God, no matter what.