VISIONARY VIDEOS: Beyond Major Media
Wednesday’s Video Night – 7 Dec 2016 – 6:30pm
244 Villa Allegre, Building 144
Note: Be happy.

Video Presentation – “Project Serpo: a 50 year old human-alien exchange program”
This is a 2 hour compilation of recent clips including a comprehensive radio interview of UFO researcher and author Len Kasten concerning an alleged 12 man American military team that spent 13 years from 1965 to 1978 on the Alien planet Serpo 39 light years away in the Zeta Reticuli Star system. This information was first released on an extensive internet site in 2005 by insider whistle blowers from the defense intelligence agency. The DIA was formed by President Kennedy in 1961 and was used by him and succeeding presidents to Initiate and operate this project Serpo Exchange program. Numerous details about the preparation, 39 lightyear trip and 13 years stay on Planet Serpo are presented here. Len Kasten is the author of 2 books titled “The secret history of extraterrestrials” and “Secret Journey to planet Serpo.” Len also discusses other materials pertaining to the initiating of projects Serpo. This includes information about the Germans UFO activities in Antarctica, the Roswell crash, the Lonnie Zamora UFO incident and details about the Serpo aliens we refer to as the Ebens. An alleged short video of 1 Eben we captured is also showing.
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We will be meeting at 244 Villa Allegre which is an apartment community at the corner of W. Alameda and St. Francis which is across St. Francis from Burger King. Coming from Cerrilos Blvd. on St. Francis, turn right on W. Alameda. Turn left into the driveway and go right, then turn left and then veer left and find Building 144 on the right. It is a community room.
Ask friends to join you every 1st and 3rd Wednesday evening of each month. All that is required is an open mind to ideas “beyond major media.” Documentaries shown at Visionary Videos expand our knowledge of unknown realities. These astounding ideas often reveal hidden truths that inspire change.
We are the Ones we are waiting for…
We are the Love of God, no matter what.