Queen of The Sun: What are The Bees telling us ? + (part of) The Real Dirt on Farmer John – Wed 17 Jul 2019 – 7pm
For this announcement on Steemit, visit Queen of The Sun: What are The Bees telling us ? + (part of) The Real Dirt on Farmer John on Steemit
For this announcement on LeRoy’s Blog, visit Queen of The Sun: What are The Bees telling us ? + (part of) The Real Dirt on Farmer John on LeRoy’s site blog
VISIONARY VIDEOS: Beyond Major Media
Wednesday’s Video Night – 17 Jul 2019 – 7pm
1501 Montano St.
Note: I’ll be traveling for the next couple months. The presentations will happen on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, whether or not I post about them.

Video Presentation – “Queen of The Sun: What are The Bees telling us ? + (part of) The Real Dirt on Farmer John”
This is a multi-award winning 2010 82-minute film documentary by Taggart Siegel which is a very fresh and profound look at the global Bee crisis.It explores the heartfelt struggles of beekeepers. It also includes the thoughts of scientists and philosophers such as Michael Pollan, Gunther Hauk and Vandana Shiva. It discusses the main problems, such as large-scale Monoculture growing, Pesticides, and long-range transportation of Bees for short-term pollination of large crops. It also gives solutions that help to restore the Bees back to a balance with Nature. Following this film we will be showing half of the 2005 82-minute film documentary “The Real Dirt on Farmer John” by the same people that did “Queen of The Sun”. This film follows longtime farmer and author John Peterson’s struggle on his family farm from near-bankruptcy to his ultimate success when he converted what little was left of it to one of the world’s first CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture). It shows him using Organic and Bio-dynamic gardening practices pioneered by Rudolf Steiner in the early 1900s. At the time of the film, the farm was helping to sustain over 1300 families in the Chicago area.

(Click here for a description of the Visionary Videos group.)
(Click here to peruse the archives of previous Visionary Videos presentations.)
(Click here to view an index of the archives of previous Blog posts for Visionary Videos presentations.)
Visionary Video Group has moved to a new venue until further notice.
1501 Montano St. (Encino Villa Senior Housing) in the Community Room in the Office building. This part of Montano St. is located between Avenida Cristobal Colon/Potencia St. and Palomino St.
From Agua Fria turn onto Avenida Cristobal Colon or Palomino.
From Cerrillos Blvd. turn onto Baca St., then turn left on Potencia,
and jog left onto Montano St.
Same days – 1st and 3rd Wednesdays.
New Times 7 to 10 PM.
1501 Montano St. (Encino Villa Senior Housing) in the Community Room in the Office building. This part of Montano St. is located between Avenida Cristobal Colon/Potencia St. and Palomino St.
From Agua Fria turn onto Avenida Cristobal Colon or Palomino.
From Cerrillos Blvd. turn onto Baca St., then turn left on Potencia,
and jog left onto Montano St.
Same days – 1st and 3rd Wednesdays.
New Times 7 to 10 PM.
Ask friends to join you every 1st and 3rd Wednesday evening of each month. All that is required is an open mind to ideas “beyond major media.” Documentaries shown at Visionary Videos expand our knowledge of unknown realities. These astounding ideas often reveal hidden truths that inspire change.
We are the Ones we are waiting for. – Author unknown
We are the Love of God, no matter what.